A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. ~Henry Brooks Adams

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Learning and Growing

The title says it all! I have been learning and growing so much over the last five weeks that at times I have wondered if I would survive. I love learning and always have but I think these last few weeks have been a HUGE stretch. I started this process thinking that "I can definitely do this", then moved into the "can I do this?" stage, stopped for a while at the "why am I doing this?" point, and have now ended up at the "I can't believe I did this!" stage.  It has been rewarding, challenging, insane and above all it has made me see that "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." 

Monday, July 12, 2010


I finally finished my webquest! What a process. I would hope that someday I can use something like this but I have to be honest, I'm not sure how I would use this in a SpEd class. Any ideas? We don't assign homework and our time is so limited (about 20-30 min per subject). It was a challenge but I can see how it would be a great tool for a general ed class.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Making Progress

So, I feel like I am starting to catch up. I still have many things to do but the light is at the end of the tunnel, and it isn't because I have died trying to unbury myself from this homework overload.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Feeling a bit lost!

I am supposed to share about bookmarking tomorrow but I am still trying to figure it out myself! I went to delicious.com and imported my bookmarks from favorites so I at least made some progress, but still not real sure what else to do. I guess I will have to play around with it a bit more. I do like the convienence of having my bookmarks available to me wherever I am regardless of what computer I am on. So I guess I will keep diving in to see what I can discover, but if you don't see me for a while please send someone to rescue me !!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010



This is a great FREE educational game site that I found. I use it with my students as a reward for good behavior and they would rather play these games than miniclips!
Some of their favorites are the Granny Prix and the Popcorn game. Have fun!

Another Day

Well, I had a nice weekend. Had some fun, did some homework, went to church. Monday I pulled a 12 hour homework catch up/study session and boy am I tired! I love school but sometimes I wish I had taken a summer break. So much to do and so little time. Oh well, it is another day and another opportunity to learn something new. Have a great day!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Utah Education Network

Utah Education Network

Can I do this?

Wow, so much to learn and I feel so technologically illiterate. Up to this point in my life I have felt that for the most part I was fairly computer savvy but after learning about blogs, rss feeds, google docs, and wikis, boy was I wrong! I love learning new things and feel that this is a good challenge for me but I'm not sure I can do it at the pace we are going. Thank God for a day like today where I can catch up and just focus on learning about these things. Learning never stops and I really appreciate the fact that I am able to learn and while I am being challenged I know I CAN DO THIS!